RV Panda Driver


The Panda Driver provides a convienent ROS interface to the Franka-Emika Panda robotic arm. It provides multiple control modes, and hides the complexity of changing between these modes.

This package extends the RV Manipulation Driver package.


Launching the driver

The Panda Driver is launched by:

roslaunch rv_panda_driver robot_bringup.launch

When starting up the Panda robot:

To ensure the arm is working once started you can invoke the home service.

rosservice call /arm/home

Moving the arm

The Panda Driver provides a number of options for moving the robot arm. These include moving to fixed poses, as well as moving the arm by specifiying Cartesian velocities for the end-effector.

Moving the End-Effector to an Arbitrary Pose

The following code example moves the robot end-effector to an arbitrary position and orientation w.r.t. to the robot's base frame.

#!/usr/bin/env python2

import rospy
import actionlib

from rv_msgs.msg import MoveToPoseAction, MoveToPoseGoal
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped

# initialise ros node

# Create a ros action client to communicate with the driver
client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/arm/cartesian/pose', MoveToPoseAction)

# Create a target pose
target = PoseStamped()
target.header.frame_id = 'panda_link0'

# Populate with target position/orientation (READY POSE)
target.pose.position.x = 0.307
target.pose.position.y = 0.000
target.pose.position.z = 0.590

target.pose.orientation.x = -1.00
target.pose.orientation.y =  0.00
target.pose.orientation.z =  0.00
target.pose.orientation.w =  0.00

# Create goal from target pose
goal = MoveToPoseGoal(goal_pose=target)

# Send goal and wait for it to finish

Servoing the End-Effector to an Arbitrary Pose

The following code example servos the robot end-effector to an arbitrary position and orientation w.r.t. to the robot's base frame.

#!/usr/bin/env python2

import rospy
import actionlib

from rv_msgs.msg import ServoToPoseAction, ServoToPoseGoal
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped

# initialise ros node

# Create a ros action client to communicate with the driver
client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/arm/cartesian/servo_pose', ServoToPoseAction)

# Create a target pose
target = PoseStamped()
target.header.frame_id = 'panda_link0'

# Populate with target position/orientation (READY POSE)
target.pose.position.x = 0.307
target.pose.position.y = 0.000
target.pose.position.z = 0.590

target.pose.orientation.x = -1.00
target.pose.orientation.y =  0.00
target.pose.orientation.z =  0.00
target.pose.orientation.w =  0.00

# Create goal from target pose
goal = ServoToPoseGoal(stamped_pose=target, scaling=0.5)

# Send goal and wait for it to finish

Controlling End-Effector Cartesian Velocity

The following code example moves the robot end-effector at 2cm/s in the z-axis w.r.t. robot's base-frame for a total of 5 seconds. For safety reasons the driver has an expected minimum update frequency of 100Hz.

#!/usr/bin/env python2

import rospy
import timeit
from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistStamped

# initialise ros node

# Create the publisher (queue size tells ROS to only publish
# the latest message)
publisher = rospy.Publisher('/arm/cartesian/velocity', TwistStamped, queue_size=1)

# Create an initial start time
start_timer = timeit.default_timer()

# Create a velocity message that will instruct the robot to
# move at 2cm a second in the z-axis of the base frame.
velocity = TwistStamped()
velocity.twist.linear.z = 0.02

# Publish the velocity message to the Panda driver at a
# frequency of 100Hz
while (timeit.default_timer() - start_timer) < 5:

# Publish an empty TwistStamped to ensure that the arm stops moving

Named Joint Configurations

In applications we typically define a number of task specific configurations, and it is convienent if these can be assigned names.

While the MoveIt framework provide the ability to store joint configurations (called named poses), these must be defined in the MoveIt configuration of the robot and cannot be adjusted during operation.

The Panda Driver solves this issue by providing the ability to save and remember joint configurations of the Panda robot for future use, while also providing access to named poses provided by MoveIt.

Saving Named Poses

To save the current joint configuration of the robot with the name test_pose:

rosservice call /arm/set_named_pose "pose_name: 'test_pose' overwrite: false"

Getting Named Poses

To get the set of currently stored named joint configurations (created either through the driver or MoveIt)

rosservice call /arm/get_named_poses

Moving to a Named Pose

To move to a named named joint configuration:

#!/usr/bin/env python2

import rospy
import actionlib

from rv_msgs.msg import MoveToNamedPoseAction, MoveToNamedPoseGoal

# initialise ros node

# Create a ros action client to communicate with the driver
client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/arm/cartesian/named_pose', MoveToNamedPoseAction)

# Create and send a goal to move to the named pose test_pose

Note: The goal pose can be a named pose created either by the driver or MoveIt. However, the named poses provided by the driver will take priority in the event of a naming conflict.

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Action API